One of the age-old questions pondered by every generation is, “From where did we come?” Scientists, anthropologists, and many other “-ists” have researched and researched and researched and still have failed to reach a clear answer that can be understood as truth rather than theory. The problem is that those conducting the research often fail to bring the Bible into the equation – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1, NKJV). Understanding God as our Creator requires one to first and foremost accept the Bible as authoritative. If one does not believe the Bible to be true, he or she will not accept what the Bible has to say about creation. There are, however, certain Bible passages that might help to convince skeptics that what the Bible says concerning our origins is true. For example, the Bible speaks of the vast nature of space and the reality of gravity to hold the earth in place (Job 26:7), the depths of the ocean and the springs found within the seas (Job 38:16), barometric pressure (Job 28:25), ocean currents (Psa. 8:8), etc. We understand all of these to be scientific facts today, yet at one point or another they all have been debated or seemingly “undiscovered.” Long before science accepted it as truth, the Bible – God’s word (2 Tim. 3:16) – recognized it as true. When we come to recognize the truth of God’s word, we will see that what the Bible says concerning creation is …
New Year’s Resolutions
January 1st marks the start of a new year. For many, January 1st also marks the start of new goals or resolutions that one hopes to achieve before the year’s end. Most new year’s resolutions center around diet and exercise. These resolutions often start great, but by the time January 14th rolls around, most diets have been forgotten and gym memberships are no longer used. While diet and exercise or any other new year’s resolution one makes are important, the most valuable resolutions and goals we can make are those of a spiritual nature. As we enter 2023, let us be challenged to make spiritual resolutions and stick to them. 2 Peter 3:18 tells us that we are to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (NKJV). As Christians, let’s set our sights on growing closer to our Savior and to our God in this new year. The brevity of this article by no means allows us to offer an exhaustive list, but below I want to suggest some possible goals that we as a congregation might be able to accomplish together. If we will set out together to fulfill the resolutions, we can hold one another accountable and strive together to grow closer to our God. Read through the Bible in a year. Work to attend Bible classes and worship each week. Attend any special workshops or Gospel Meetings set up by our elders. Make it a point to be present at any fellowship opportunity. Extend …